Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Basic Requirements Enter Organized Crime - 813 Words
VIEWERS READERS: I compose professional writings, such as Privacy Acts Research Papers. They are 100% plagiarism FREE. Throughout College In Criminal Justice, I have written over 50 papers. The average grade combined of ALL 50+ papers equates to 98%, seriously, even surprises me. Contact 646-625-8345-ASK FOR PAT Most customers use my writing abilities for composing an about me page on their website, or contract services to compose terms/conditions and private policies for web sites. Others contract me to learn and model my composition, not to†¦show more content†¦My blood was for an everlasting love and not an initiation. The blood of the finger is spilled onto an element bearing the symbolization of sainthood. The card is then set ablaze and the card is passed from hand to hand to avoid burn and pain. {https://sites.google.com/site/mafiafall08per5/initiation} Retrieved on 08-23-09 via net. The advantages of being in organized crime is the belief that one belongs to a group and feels they are confident in being. They know that if in need of help, they will have someone to stand-up for them. They are a very close knit family and feel alliance and affinity towards one another. A disadvantage in today’s culture is the transference of the aids virus. Seriously speaking, I wonder if Cosa Nostra takes precautions towards blood transference. Another disadvantage of being in organized crime is the wellbeing of mind. It is unethical and downright outlawed in the first place. They may targeted and blamed for crimes that may occur and can be victims of false accusations. I also believe it is a disadvantage because of the mere fact of the name that was derived, Our Thing†. Our Thing, Being of a Italian decent, I find the Italians lacked imagination, creativity, and down right ignorance. Cosa Nostra, our thing, should be renamed into something that TRADITIONALLY and expeditiously shows the intelligence of the Italians and not simplicity in thinking. DAAAA? ReferencesShow MoreRelated Purpose And History Of SWAT Essay1677 Words  | 7 PagesT. SWAT. The acronym invokes so many thoughts - danger, fighting crime, shootings, heavily artillery, TV, movies and more. The reality of SWAT is that it is all of that and more. When the acronym is fully expanded it translates to special weapons and tactics or as it was originally developed, special weapons assault team. SWAT is a specialized, elite police unit trained to execute dangerous and specific operations that basic and even intermediate police training is not intended to handle. CommonlyRead MoreA Short Note On Visa Program Vs. Visa Programs1746 Words  | 7 PagesH-2 visa program? How do the employer sponsorship requirements, work protections, problems, and litigation trends, and other components of the programs compare? 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