Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Uses Of Tissue And Skin - 856 Words
The use of fibroblasts in skin substitutes is a crucial step toward better burn wound healing. Fibroblasts, which are naturally found in the dermis layer, are in charge of synthesizing and secreting the components that make up the extracellular matrix. In order for the skin to heal properly, one component that is especially important is collagen, for it plays a major part in the structure of the skin. Lack of collagen synthesis during healing can lead to raised scar, resulting in poor skin function and appearance[18]. TransCyte is a temporary, bioactive synthetic covering with a similar structure to Biobrane, with an addition of fibroblasts. Like Biobrane, it is also used as covering for burn patients before autografting or for patients with partial thickness burns who do not require autografts[11][12]. TransCyte consists of two layers, a silicone outer layer and an inner nylon mesh seeded with fibroblasts. The outer silicone layer is a semipermeable membrane, containing a series of laser-punched holes that allow excess fluids to be drained[13]. The inner nylon mesh membrane is coated with porcine collagen peptides, creating the base onto where the neonatal fibroblasts can be cultured, since collagen is a main component of the skin. In order to seed the fibroblasts within the nylon mesh, the entire membrane, silicone outer layer included, was placed inside a specially designed bioreactor. This bioreactor provided a continuous, constant flow of fibroblasts at a rate of aboutShow MoreRelatedBreast R econstruction Procedures For Women1221 Words  | 5 Pages Breast reconstruction procedures performed near Brickell usually fall into one of two categories: implant based reconstruction; or tissue flap reconstruction. Women who undergo implant reconstruction surgery receive breast implants. The breast implants help to create the patient a new breast mound. Whereas, tissue flap reconstruction uses tissue from the patient’s body to create her new breast. When necessary, Dr. G also reconstructs the patient’s nipple and areola to provide her withRead MoreVenous Stasis Ulcer996 Words  | 4 PagesAn ulcer is an open lesion of the skin resulting in tissue loss. It is estimated that venous stasis ulcers affect 500,000 to 600,000 people in the United States every year and it is by far the most common type of leg ulcer seen (Foot Pain Explained). A person may have an ulcer on one or both legs and each leg may have multiple ulcerations. These ulcers are found in the inner part of the lower leg and can be very painful. Venous stasis is a very common disease of the leg. A venous stasis ulcer isRead MoreTypes Of Tissue, Nervous, And Muscular Tissue.epithelial725 Words  | 3 PagesTissues Project There are 4 types of tissue in our body.They are the epithelial,connective,nervous,and muscular tissue.Epithelial covers the whole surface of the body.It occurs on the surfaces on the interior of the body.The cells are packed tightly together.There are six types of epithelial tissue which are simple squamous ,simple cuboidal ,simple columnar ,stratified columnar ,stratified cuboidal ,pseudostratified columnar.Epithelial tissue is usually separated from the tissue by a thin sheet ofRead MoreDiscussion. Cause. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Is Complex1711 Words  | 7 Pagesincluding; the kidneys, skin, heart, lungs, hematopoetic, and nervous system. An estimation of 20 – 100 different genetic factors make a person susceptible to Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (UMMC, 2017, P.3). However, one gene alone is not enough to cause the disease. Genetic factors may cause immunological defects that makes autoimmune cells inefficient in clearing of apoptotic bodies (BioMed Central, 2011, P.2). The accumulation of apoptotic bodies will cause the tissue to inflame. These geneticRead MoreThe Importance Of Homeostasis And A State Of Equilibrium Reached Through Physiological Processes1169 Words  | 5 Pagesmaintain homeostasis, living things use cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems to counteract physical changes. Using a variety of different tissues, organs are formed to accomplish specific tasks. The four main types of tissues are epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscular tissue, and nervous tissue. Several sublevels exist for each type of tissue. Epithelial tissue covers body surfaces and lines body cavities. The three main kinds of Epithelial tissue are squamous which is composed of flatRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Skin1446 Words  | 6 Pagesimpaired skin integrity. Skin integrity is defined as â€Å"the state in which an individual’s skin is at risk of being adversely altered†(kloop, Storey, Bronstein, 2012). There are three major factors that can relate to client’s skin alteration: decreased tissue perfusion, prolonged bed rest, and pulmonary edema. One factor that can cause impaired skin integrity is decreased tissue perfusion. Decreased tissue perfusion refers to â€Å"decrease in oxygen resulting in failure to nourish tissues at the capillaryRead MoreThe Cell Cycle and Cancer Worksheet980 Words  | 4 Pagescycle observed in normal tissues. Tissue Type # Cells in Interphase # Cells in Prophase # Cells in Metaphase # Cells in Anaphase # Cells in Telophase Lung Tissue Sample 1 19 1 0 0 0 Lung Tissue Sample 2 19 1 0 0 0 Stomach Tissue Sample 1 18 0 1 0 1 Stomach Tissue Sample 2 18 0 1 0 1 Ovarian Tissue Sample 1 19 0 0 1 0 Ovarian Tissue Sample 2 19 0 0 1 0 Table 2: Record your data for the number of cells in each stage of the cell cycle observed in cancerous tissues. Tissue Type # Cells in InterphaseRead MoreA Analysis On Wound Management1338 Words  | 6 Pagesdecisions about wound care, and as a result play an active part in wound healing. Integumentary System The integumentary system or skin is our body’s largest organ, which weighs 20 pounds or more, accounting for about 16% of total body weight (Thibodeau, 2014, p.93). According to Thibodeau (2014 p. 145) the: number of structures fitting into 1 square inch of skin: 500 sweat glands; more than 1000 nerve endings; yards of tiny blood vessels; nearly 100 sebaceous glands; 150 sensors for pressure,Read MoreEssay on Unit 229 Workbook Pressure Sores928 Words  | 4 PagesUnderstand the anatomy and physiology of the skin in relation to pressure area care The learner can: 1. describe the anatomy and physiology of the skin in relation to skin breakdown and the development of pressure sores Skin is the largest organ of the body, covering and protecting the entire surface of the body. The total surface area of skin is around 3000 sq inches or roughly around 19,355 sq cm depending on age, height, and body size. The skin, along with its derivatives, nails, hair, sweatRead MoreThe Death Of A Helmet1005 Words  | 5 Pagestherapy, and prayer. However, he was disfigured. Before the twenty-first century, the remedies to his deformity would have been limited none. Skin grafts from healthy part of his bodies or cadaver skin could have been used to help heal some of the injuries sustained from the accident. Even then he faced the possible risk of infection, his body rejecting the new tissue if it were cadaver, or having heinous looking scars from where the grafts were taken. Unfortunately, nothing would have been done to make
Monday, December 16, 2019
Nutrition My First Career Choice - 761 Words
Nutrition is my first career choice. In many ways it also reflects my second and third career choice. Educators teach and lead youngsters toward success. Legislators draft policies that improve process for their constituents. And researchers commit themselves to extensive study and practise to master the skills and knowledge needed for their field of interest. As a nutritionist, I see myself incorporating all three. I want to master the fundamental knowledge of nutrition, work to improve the process of nutrition practice and successfully educate ordinary people so they are empowered to choose a healthy life. Naturally my learning must precede anything else I do. But learning in health related sciences is not simple. We are operating in a flood of information and our best evidence evolves daily. As such, learning to exercise sound nutritional recommendations requires extensive study and research, even life long. During my undergraduate studies I fell in love with learning how to start a research project, forming a hypothesis and working toward its prove or rejection. To pursue this goal, I poured over textbooks and watched countless hours of webinars and seminars of well known researchers. I even started Omega Research Team (ORT), a research group that with efforts of my friends and I, turned into a unique organization in Iran, my home country. Designing clinical trials, presenting keynote lectures in international regional conferences and publishing papers while still anShow MoreRelatedPersonal Narrative : My Love For Nutrition1621 Words  | 7 PagesMy love for nutrition began five years ago after I graduated with my first bachelor’s degree in fashion design. During college, I surpassed the dreaded freshman fifteen and gained a significant amount of weight. I decided to take a break after graduation and invested my free time in improving my well-being. I was inspired to turn over a new leaf and transitioned to a healthier lifestyle, after witnessing a major transformation in my father’s life after he was diagnosed as pre-diabetic. With greatRead MoreWhat Your Career Plans Is Your Academic Interests Or Plans For Future Study963 Words  | 4 PagesDescribe your career plans, your academic interests or plans for future study. My goal is to become a Registered Dietitian and provide healthy eating resources in various community settings. My two special interests in nutrition is nutrition for adolescent athletes to support their growth and development as well as their performance, and nutrition for disease prevention and management for adults. My first degree from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee is a Bachlor of Arts in dance. I am also aRead MoreHigh School Of The Arts1140 Words  | 5 Pageslived in Milwaukee my whole life and attended arts Milwaukee Public Schools- Elm, Roosevelt, and High School of the Arts. I feel the best, and most fun, way to appreciate other cultures is through art and food. I attended the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee from 2004-2010 and earned a Bachelor of Arts in dance, a Cultures and Communities Certificate, and a Nutrition Certificate. My athletic involvement in dance led me to develop an interest in healthy eating. This widened my eyes to learn aboutRead MoreSports Psychology, Sports Nutrition, And Strength And Conditioning Essay742 Words  | 3 PagesCAREER GOALS: Through applied sport psychology, sports nutrition, and strength and conditioning, my goals are to give back to my community by: 1. Leading local athletes through a process of discovering their true potential and greatness, so that they can perform successfully to a level that brings true peace of mind and self-satisfaction that they did the best to which they were capable. a. Volunteer to teach leadership and life skills training to athletes in my community with the Habitudes imageryRead MorePositive And Negative Effects Of Working Mothers1218 Words  | 5 Pages Todays women are being scrutinized if they decide to enter the work force and have children. There seems to be a stigma that you cannot be a career woman and have a family. Women find themselves entering the work force before they have children and then choosing to stay after the children are born. Some women find that their families require two incomes or in some cases their income may be the sole source. There are also positive outcomes of working mothers. Some studies show that while the lackRead MoreHolistic Approach Of The Nutrition Program Essay923 Words  | 4 Pages(Ecclesiasticus 38:4). This is one of my favorite bible quotes which summarizes my feelings (views?) about maintaining a healthy lifestyle, using food as medicine and balancing good nutrition. Throughout my life I made poor choices pertaining to my nutrition in part by cultural experiences and my personal lack of awareness. One of my biggest challenges growing up was digestive related in which, I have struggled with constipation most of my life. As I did my research in food science, I realized thatRead MoreEssay Analyzing Career Theories964 Words  | 4 Pagesanalyze and critique their choices based on our own opinions and experiences. Is that fair? No. We may see their actions clearly but the reasoning behind these is what we should focus on when it comes to judging someone’s behavior or circumstances. A common judgment made about a person is based on their career. In our society, it would behoove us to look at the path that leads to becoming a doctor instead of a drug dealer. Application of career theories to my own life allows for analyzingRead MoreObservation Report1413 Words  | 6 PagesTerry Mc Intosh, I was eager to experience cattle nutrition on small family dairies. Terry had told me he doesn’t work as much as he had so I assumed he did private consultingâ€â€a few minutes into meeting with Terry in Homedale and a firm handshake later my assumptions were confirmed. I got into his pickup and awaited the awesome job shadow to come. Immediately Terry told me that when planning for my future never go after the money, go after my passion instead. He’d went to Oregon State to becomeRead MoreWhat Can A Person Do With A Health Science Degree?1453 Words  | 6 Pagesthat question without looking it up. So lets first start with explaining what health science actually is; health science is a wide variety of disciplines, which are determined â€Å"through the application of science, engineering, mathematics and technology†(Health Science Careers, 2016) It’s the area of knowledge and science, which is then applied to â€Å"practical and clinical practices to maintain and improve the health of living beings†(Health Science Careers, 2016). This paper will go over a multitudeRead MoreMy Career Choices Within The Nutrition Field Essay2416 Words  | 10 PagesDuring this semester in the Introduction to Human Science class we have done several career exploration papers within our d egree field and to explore the careers within the human sciences. The discussion of this paper will include three values that I find important, three career choices within the nutrition field, and three long term goals. I will also discuss how I will reach my long term goals and how my career choices and values tie into one another. According to KatoElias (2015), â€Å"Personal values
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Bec Curriculum free essay sample
Speaking includes skills in using the language expressions and grammatical structures correctly in oral communication. Reading is getting meaning from the printed page. It includes skills for vocabulary development, levels of comprehension namely, literal, interpretative, critical analysis and application, literary appreciation and study skills. Writing includes readiness skills, mechanics, guided writing, functional, and creative writing. Learning activities to develop competence in these phases of communication should be varied, meaningful and realistic. Science and Health concepts may be used as content in English especially for Grades I and II, but not to the extent of neglecting the content in the English books for the grade. Grade III is considered the threshold in reading. Thus, at the end of the third grade, every child is expected to be a functional/successful reader. TIME ALLOTMENT Learning Areas English Daily Time Allotment III IV V 100 80 80 I 100 II VI 80 100 The daily period of 100 minutes is allotted for Grades I-III. There is no increase in time allotment for Grades IV-VI because basic literacy skills are expected to have been developed in Grades I-III. The 20-minute increased time allotment may be used for mastery of the skills through any of the following: peer tutoring spelling lessons enrichment/reinforcement for fast learners writing (practice) remediation for slow learners free reading 1 EXPECTATIONS GOAL: Access varied information and creatively use them in spoken and written forms; communicate fluently and accurately orally and in writing, for a variety of purposes and different social and academic contexts at their level while carrying out activities in everyday life At the end of Grade VI, the learner is expected to listen critically; communicate one’s feeling and ideas orally and in writing with a high level of proficiency; and read various text types materials to serve one’s own learning needs in meeting a wide range of life’s purposes. At the end of Grade V, the learner is expected to listen critically to different text types; express ideas logically in oral and written forms; and demonstrate interest in reading to meet one’s various needs. At the end of Grade IV, the learner is expected to listen critically to news reports, radio broadcasts and express ideas accurately in oral and in written form; demonstrate more independence in the use of language to meet everyday needs; and read independently for pleasure and get information from various text types. At the end of Grade III, the learner is expected to listen critically to get information from text heard; demonstrate independence in using the basic anguage structure in oral and written communication; and read with comprehension. At the end of Grade II, the learner is expected to listen critically to 1-2 paragraphs; use appropriate expressions in varied situations and about places and topics of interest; read critically and fluently in correct thought units, texts for information and entertainment and respond properly to environmental prints like signs, posters, commands and requests; and write legibly simple sentences and messages in cursive form. At the end of Grade I, the learner is expected to recognize differences in speech sounds, word stress, intonation patterns in sentences heard; speak clearly and use appropriate expressions in talking about oneself and the immediate environment; read with ease and understanding beginners’ books in English; and write legibly information about oneself, common words and simple sentences in manuscript form. 2 The Philippine Elementary Learning Competencies (PELC) The PELC is a listing of expected outcomes in the four phases of Communication Arts, namely, listening, speaking, reading and writing. The expected outcomes are stated in behavioral terms hierarchically arranged from the simplest to the most complex. The expected outcomes (skills) for each component are in matrix form per grade level. With this arrangement, teachers can easily pick out objectives from each phase in preparing his/her lessons to show integration within learning areas. The teacher is free to decide whether to have the four components or only two or three components integrated in a day’s lesson. Here is a sample lesson plan showing the four components integrated in a day’s lesson for 100 minutes. Science concepts are integrated in this lesson. I. Objectives Tell what the story heard is about (Listening) Use of this/that with singular form of nouns (Speaking) Give appropriate heading for a set of pictures/sentences (Reading) Write words/phrases – copying from a model (Writing) II. Subject Matter Telling what the story/picture is about Use of this/that with singular nouns III. Materials: short story, pictures 3 IV. Procedure A. Listening †¢ †¢ Motivation – showing pictures of animals; talking about pets or animals they know Listening to a story Pussy Cat is big. Its color is white and black. She sleeps under the chair with her three little baby kittens. The baby kittens are very small. Pussy Cat is always beside the baby kittens. †¢ Comprehension Questions Who has baby kittens? What is Pussy Cat doing? What are the baby kittens doing also? What is our story about? B. Speaking Show picture of a cat and say: This is a cat. The cat is big. Ask pupils to hold the picture and repeat the sentence. Ask them to tell something about their personal belongings. e. g. This is my bag. My bag is red. Introduce the use of that. Teacher says: This is a bag. What is this? Guide the pupils to say – This is a bag. (pointing to the object) Practice: Pupils take turn in asking and answering questions using this-that. e. g. Pupil 1: This is a pupil. What is this? Pupil 2: That is a pencil. (Pupil 2 shows another object and repeat the sentence pattern. ) (There is pupil to pupil interaction with this kind of activity. ) Let the pupils understand that – This and That refer to one object. 4 C. Reading Teacher recalls the story used in listening. Teacher/pupils read the story. Question: Which of the following is a good title for the story? a. My Pet b. Pussy Cat c. Pussy Cat and Her Kittens Present these words on the board or show pictures. Pupils read the words or give the names of the pictures. a. pig b. pig dog goat bird carabao monkey cow Question: What are these words called? What words would be the title/heading for the animals in Set A? Set B? Science Concepts: There are different animals around. Some animals make good pets. Some animals give us food. Infusion of Values: Animals need care. We should be kind to animals. Practice: Read these sentences and give a title for each group of sentence. e. g. There are many animals in the farm. The animals make different sound. The dog barks. The cat says, â€Å"meow, meow. †The duck says, â€Å"quack, quack†Group Activity: Assign 3 or 4 leaders who will be holding strips of paper with titles of the sentences or pictures distributed to the pupils. When the leaders show the strips of paper, the pupils holding the pictures/sentences group together to their respective leaders. D. Writing – Copy the sentences and fill in the blanks. My Pet I have a ______. I call it ______. Its color is _____. My pet eats ______. 5 V. Evaluation: †¢ †¢ Evaluation of written work, neatness, etc. Fill the blank with this or that. Father reads a book and says, â€Å"_____ is a good book. †(Picture of father holding a book. ) †¢ Give a title for the set of words and sentences. orange VI. Agreement: apples guavas pineapple Ask the pupils to write down words or sentences related to the following: Games I Like to Play The teacher should strive for mastery of a particular objective before proceeding to the next higher one. Objectives may be taught for two or more days but with different activities/exercises for each day. Criterion – reference test should be administered to measure mastery of the objectives/skills taught. ENGLISH – GRADE I LISTENING 1. Respond appropriately to expressions listened to * †¢ greeting others †¢ leave taking SPEAKING 1. Use expressions listened to in appropriate situations Ask and answer questions e. g. What’s your name? Where do you live? What grade are you in? How old are you? etc. 2. Give short commands and directions READING 1. Recognize wo rds commonly heard through sight word †¢ courteous expression †¢ one-step direction WRITING 1. Demonstrate Writing Readiness Skills * †¢ free-hand writing †¢ connecting dots 2. Follow simple one-step direction heard e. g. stand up sit down . Identify common printed materials e. g. book, newspaper, 2. 1 Turn the pages of a reading material properly 2. Trace and copy lines * †¢ straight †¢ slanting †¢ horizontal †¢ curve †¢ circular 3. Write legibly, accurately in manuscript form the capital and small letters of the alphabet 3. 1 Trace and copy letter with †¢ straight lines †¢ combination of straight and slanting lines e. g. Nn Aa †¢ combination of straight and curved lines e. g. Dd †¢ rounded strokes with loops e. g Cc 3. Identify specific sounds from a background of different sounds heard * †¢ loud and soft †¢ high and low 3. Talk about the meaning of sound signals heard e. g. roosters crow in the morning, ships make loud sounds when they arrive 3. Sharpen visual discrimination skills * †¢ similarities and differences of objects/pictures as to size, length †¢ identifying missing parts of pictures †¢ left to right eye movement Identify letters that are similar/ different in a group of letters * included in the 8-Week Curriculum 7 LISTENING 4. Identify speech sounds heard †¢ initial and final consonant and vowel sounds e. g. /f/ vs. /p/; /e/ vs. /iy/ SPEAKING 4. Produce words listened to with †¢ initial and final consonant ounds †¢ initial and medial vowel sounds READING 4. Associate names of objects/ pictures with their printed symbols e. g. words with †¢ initial and final consonant sounds †¢ critical consonant and vowel sounds 5. Sing/act rhymes, poems, jingles WRITING 4. Write the letters of the alphabet according to: †¢ grouping †¢ proper sequence 5. Ide ntify words that rhyme in poems/jingles 6. Recognize rising and falling intonation and meanings they signal †¢ yes-no questions †¢ wh- questions †¢ statement 5. Recite rhymes, jingles with correct intonation and stress 6. Talk about oneself/others/things 6. Read orally high frequency words in running print – Dolch Use singular form of nouns Basic Sight Word †¢ this/that is with objects 6. 1 Increase one’s vocabulary †¢ a and an in naming †¢ words about family members objects †¢ labels and sign in school Use the plural form of nouns †¢ synonyms and antonyms †¢ noun + s 6. 2 Identify the parts of a book †¢ these are/those are + cover, title, table of contents noun 7. Use personal pronouns 7. 1 Use the pronoun that agrees in gender with its antecedent 7. Tell what the picture or a series of pictures is about 7. 1 Tell what the story is about †¢ composite picture e. . a garden scene †¢ solo picture e. g. red rose 8. Answer wh-questions based on stimuli presented Objects: †¢ composite pictures †¢ experience charts 8 5. Write words and phrases 5. 1 Copying from a model †¢ name, grade, school 5. 2 Dolch Basic Sight Word †¢ days of the week 7 Give the main idea of a selection heard 6. Copy paragraph with 2 to 3 sentences †¢ use the correct punctuation mark 8 Note details in a selection heard †¢ answering wh- questions †¢ identifying setting, characters, events 8. Use verbs †¢ simple present form 7. Write from dictation †¢ common words †¢ phrases †¢ simple sentence LISTENING 8. Select the details of a story heard from a set of pictures SPEAKING 8. 1 Use –ing form of the verb in response to: †¢ What is _____ doing? ____ is cooking. †¢ What are _____ doing? ____ are playing. READING 9. Organize ideas †¢ Grouping pictures based on similar ideas †¢ Select appropriate heading for a: set of related pictures set of words/phrases set of sentences 10. Tell the sequence of natural events †¢ plant growth †¢ life stages of animals 10. 1 Tell what happened first, second, last in a series of pictures 11. Perceive relationship †¢ source e. g. egg-chicken †¢ function e. g. tab le-trees †¢ part-whole e. g. eyes-face 12. Predict outcomes †¢ Give the possible ending of a series of pictures/given events †¢ Tell what would happen next to a set of pictures 13. Infer 13. 1 what a person or animal does 13. 2 what have happened before/after an event 9 WRITING 8. Write names of common objects learned in listening and speaking †¢ common signs in the classroom 9 Tell the sequence of events in a 8. 2 Use the verb to be (am, is, are) story heard through pictures with nouns and pronouns as subject 8. 3 Use the simple past form of the verb (regular verb) 10 Act out best liked parts of story heard 9. Use words that describe persons, animals, places (adjectives) 9. Use the positive form of regular adjectives 9. Write sentences using synonyms and antonyms to describe objects 11. React to what the character said/did on a story listened to 10. Talk about topics of interest in 2-3 sentences 10. Write sentences about one’s self and family 12. Infer the feeling/traits of characters in a story heard 1 1. Compose greetings in cards e. g. Happy Birthday ENGLISH – GRADE II LISTENING 1. Identify speech sounds heard initial consonant blends initial and medial vowel sounds words with diphthongs 1. 1 Discriminate speech sounds heard critical consonant and vowel sounds e. g. /s/ vs. z/ /? e/ vs. /ey/ SPEAKING 1. Improve pronunciation skills 1. 1 Use initial consonant blends initial and medial vowel sounds words with diphthong critical consonant sounds critical vowel sounds 1. 2 Use courteous expressions in appropriate situations greeting others taking leave offering help READING 1. Associate names of objects. pictures with printed symbols 1. 1 Read automatically high frequency words in running print 1. 2 Recognize words using spelling patterns. c–v–v–c c–v–c–c consonant clusters in initial and final position consonant clusters and blends in initial/final position WRITING 1. Copy legibly, accurately and neatly in manuscript form of a given text sentences paragraph rhymes/poems learned 2. Recognize the rising and falling intonation in: yes-no questions wh- questions statements 2. Ask and answer questions 2. 1 Use short answer forms to questions e. g. Who is your teacher? Does the dog bark? 2. Increase one’s vocabulary by learning synonyms and antonyms of common words 2. Use capital letters in writing one’s address, names of persons, subjects, the beginning letter of the first word in a sentence 1. 1 Write common abbreviations e. g Mr. , Mrs. 1. Copy words in alphabetical order 3. Copy paragraph observing indention, capitalization and punctuation 4. Copy poems/rhymes accurately 5. Demonstrate readiness skills in cursive writing 2. Follow simple one-step directions heard 3. Give commands/directions two-step direction 3. Do accurately slow reading to follow a simple one-step direction 3. 1 Follow printed directions for test taking 4. Pantomime/act out rhymes and jingles 4. 1 Feel the rhythm through clapping, etc. 3. Identify words that rhyme in 2-3 stanza poems 4. Recite short verses, two-stanza poems with correct intonation and stress 0 LISTENING 5. Give the main idea of a selection listened to Tell what the story is about SPEAKING 5. Talk about oneself/others things/ events 5. 1 Use nouns This/that with singular form of nouns Plural form of regular noun These are/those are with plural noun 5. 2 Use possessive pronouns (My, You, His, Her, Your) Use the pronoun that agrees in gender with its antecedent READING 5. Get the main idea 3. 2 Tell what the set of related pictures is about Give the appropriate heading for a set of †¢ pictures †¢ sentences 3. 3 Group similar ideas under proper heading WRITING Write important dates, abbreviations in cursive Birthday Days of the week Months Address 6. Write from dictation Phrases Simple sentences Sentences in paragraph form 3. 4 Distinguish big ideas from small ideas 7. Write sentences/short paragraph about the pictures 3. Note details in selection listened to 3. 1 Answer wh-questions 7. Retell best-liked parts of a story heard 5. 3 Use verbs 5. 3. 1 Use simple present form of verbs with singular/plural nouns as subject 5. 3. 2 Use the -ing form of verbs (verbs of being) 5. 3. 3 Use the simple past of the verbs commonly used 5. 3. Use positive/negative form of auxiliary verbs 5. 3. 5 Use two-word verb 6. Use adjectives to describe people, animals, places Use the positive form of regular adjectives 4. Note details in short paragraph, poems, stories read 4. 1 Note explicit details descriptive words identify characters, setting etc. of the story 5. 2 Note implied details 5. Organize ideas 5. 1 Group pictures showing similar ideas 5. 2 Identify words/phrases sentences that go with a given concept/idea 7. Sequence events 7. 1 Tell what happened first, second, etc. 7. 2 Tell what happened before/after an event 7. Arrange words alphabetically based on the first letter 11 8. Act out best-liked parts of a story heard 7. Use preposition and prepositional phrase 8. Write the correct spelling of words learned in auditory discrimination LISTENING 9. Impersonate well-liked characters in a story heard SPEAKING 8. Talk about topics of interest in 3-4 sentences READING 8. Perceive relationship shown in pictures 8. 1 Identify the cause of a given effect 8. 2 Infer details in passages that are not signaled explicitly WRITING 9. Write sentences from a picture stimulus 10. Give a possible ending to a situation/story heard . Predict outcomes 9. 1 Tell the possible ending of a situation presented through pictures 10. Write a different story ending to a story read/heard 9. 2 Give events that could happen next 11. Make inferences Inf er hidden information from oral texts 10. Infer what have happened before/ after an event 11. Write a composition about a given topic 10. 1 Prepare an invitation card based on a model 10. 2 Write short notes to friends/family member 12 ENGLISH – GRADE III LISTENING 1. Identify words with – †¢ final consonant sounds †¢ initial and final consonant blends and clusters SPEAKING 1. Increase one’s speaking vocabulary 1. 1 Use words presented under auditory discrimination in sentences READING 1. Recognize words using spelling patterns as clues e. g. digraphs Cvc Consonant clusters in initial and final position 1. 1 Recognize words through repeated exposure 2. Read orally 1-2 stanza poems with correct pronunciation, stress and rhythm 2. 1 Read orally or commit to memory well liked lines in a poem/selection 2. 2 Use context clues to get meaning of unfamiliar words 2. 3 Use the glossary to get meaning of new words 3. Read orally conversations/dialogs observing proper intonation 4. Follow simple two-step directions two separate simple sentences compound sentences 5. Get the main idea distinguish big ideas from small ideas give appropriate title for a paragraph identify key sentence in a paragraph WRITING 1. Write legibly and neatly observing correct letter form, capitalization, punctuation and spelling copying from a model letters of excuse, apology name and write the parts of a letter 2. Identify words that rhyme in poems heard 2. Recite short verses, 1-2 stanza poems with correct intonation and stress 2. 1 Recite poems with gestures 2. 2 Memorize short verses . Write contractions correctly 3. Recognize the rising and falling intonation in questions and answers heard 4. Follow two-step directions heard 3. Use courteous expressions in appropriate situations e. g. inviting someone 4. Give short commands/directions three-step directions 5. Ask and answer questions about oneself/others using pictures dialogues comic strips 3. Write different kinds of sent ences Telling, asking, requesting and exclamatory sentences 3. 1 Write one’s own address correctly 4. Copy paragraph with 4-5 sentences observe indention, capitalization and punctuation 5. Give the main idea of a selection listened to 13 LISTENING 6. Note details in selections listened to (1-2 short paragraphs) answer who, what, when, where questions SPEAKING 6. Talk about oneself things/events 6. 1 Use the singular form of nouns with verbs of being 6. 2 Use the plural form of Nouns 7. Use possessive pronouns 7. 1 Use pronouns that agree in gender with its antecedent 8. Use verbs 8. 1 Use the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject in number 8. 2 Use the correct time expression to tell an action in the present past future 8. 3 Construct sentences with simple subject and predicate 9. Use words that describe persons, places, animals, ideas, events (adjectives) READING 6. Note explicit and implied details from a story read Answer how and why questions 6. 1 Decode words using structural analysis prefixes compound words 7. Organize ideas 7. 1 Classify related ideas/concept under proper headings 7. 2 Identify proper heading for related sentences 7. 3 Outline a 2-paragraph text with explicitly given main idea 8. Sequence events 8. 1 Arrange events as to space order line order both space and time order 8. 2 Number events in a story read 8. 3 Arrange words alphabetically based on the first and second letter 9. Perceive relationship 9. 1 Identify cause – effect relationship 9. 2 Identify and use language clues that signify cause-effect relationship e. g. because, as a result 10. Predict outcomes 10. 1 Give an appropriate ending to a given situation 14 WRITING 5. Write from dictation different kinds of sentences with correct punctuation marks –telling, asking etc. 6. Write the correct spelling of words learned in listening, speaking and reading 7. Write simple letters for a given purpose letter of excuse letter of apology 7. Sequence events in the story listened to through pictures/groups of sentences/guided questions 8. Write utterances on a given situation/comic strip presented 8. Retell best-liked parts of a story heard Use the positive, comparative and superlative forms of adjectives 9. Write a different story ending 10. Write sentences from a set of pictures to make a story LISTENING 9. Make inferences Infer traits of characters based on what they do or say in a story listened to SPEAKING 10. Use expressions to show location 11. Talk about topics of interest in 4-5 sentences 11. Infer READING WRITING 11. Write a different story ending 11. 1 what have happened before or after 11. 2 insight from what is read or observed 12. Draw conclusion using picture-stimuli/passages 12. Fill out forms correctly †¢ library form †¢ Information Sheet 10. Distinguish between facts and fancy from stories heard 13. Evaluate ideas 13. 1 Tell whether an action or event is a reality or fantasy 13. 2 Identify irrelevant ideas in a passage 14. Read orally or commit to memory poems/verses 13. Write a short story from a given situation 15 ENGLISH – GRADE IV LISTENING 1. Distinguish rising and falling intonation 2. Identify the stressed and unstressed syllables e. g. stress on the: first syllable (library) second syllable (industrious) third syllable (elementary) 3. Recognize pauses and stops in utterances that signal meaning e. g. Roy, the boy in white/is my cousin. (describing Roy) Roy/the boy in white is my cousin. (talking about Roy) 4. Follow 3-4 step directions heard 2. Give series of directions using sequence signals e. g. first, then, next, etc. SPEAKING 1. Use words with stressed and unstressed syllables in sentences READING 1. Decode words in stories read using phonetic analysis e. g. /ze/z/- breeze /th/ thank Read orally stories/poems with correct stress and Intonation Show enjoyment of stories/poems read 2. Use the dictionary to interpret stress marks for correct accent select appropriate meaning from several meanings given to locate words using guide words 3. Do accurate, slow reading in order to follow common directions in: prescriptions medicine labels simple experiments 4. Identify meaning of unfamiliar words through structural analysis words with affixes and inflectional endings compound words and their components words written as: one word (backyard) two words (security guard) hyphenated (sister-inlaw) WRITING 1. Write the correct spelling of words with stressed and unstressed syllables e. . words with silent letters words ending in –ph sounded as f 2. Write sentences/paragraphs giving simple directions in doing something e. g. making a project playing a game 3. Write from dictation sentences and short paragraph observing correct spelling capitalization and punctuation marks 5. Get information from a conversation listened to 3. Use courteous expressions in ap propriate situations e. g. telephone conversation 16 LISTENING SPEAKING 4. Ask and answer questions about oneself/others/pictures use because, so that, in order 5. Use the plural form of nouns in sentences e. g. ouns ending in f: chief-chiefs leaf-leaves use expressions denoting quantity e. g. a lot of, some, etc. READING use context clues synonyms, antonyms, homonyms WRITING 6. Give the main idea of a selection listened to: -Tell what the story/poem/ news is about in two or three sentences 4. Give the main idea of a 2-paragraph text 4. 1 Identify the main idea that is implied or explicitly stated 4. 2 Evolve a title in topic form for text based on the main idea or big idea 4. 3 Skim the general idea on what the material is about 4. 4 Read orally one’s best liked part of a story 5. Note significant details that relate to the central theme 5. Locate answers to wh-, how and why questions that are explicitly stated in the texts 5. 2 Demonstrate knowledge of story grammar by be ing able to identify setting, characters and main events in the story 5. 3 Find descriptive words/action words in selection read 5. 4 Read orally one’s best liked part of a story 6. Organize ideas 6. 1 Classify related ideas/concepts under proper heading 6. 2 Give a heading or title for texts read 6. 3 Identify sub-heading for a given heading 17 4. Write a paragraph/short story from one’s experience 7. Note details in a selection listened to: -identify setting, suspense, climax in the story 6. Use possessive form of singular nouns e. g. Renato’s bag 6. 1 Use possessive form of plural nouns e. g. the boy’s shirt 5. Write letters observing the correct format thank you letter letter of invitation letter of congratulations 8. Classify related ideas from news/ stories heard 7. Use a variety of sentences declarative interrogative imperative exclamatory 7. 1 Construct simple sentences with modifiers and compliments 6. Write a paragraph based on an outline LISTENING SPEAKING READING 6. 4 Outline a two-paragraph passage 6. 5 Outline a story read 6. 6 Use the outline as a guide in retelling or summarizing the story 7. Sequence events/ideas 7. 1 Sequence the major events/ideas in a selection 7. 2 Arrange a set of given events in logical order to make a story e. g. time order space order both space and time order 8. Perceive relationship 8. 1 Identify statements/events that show cause-effect relationship 8. 2 Give cause-effect relationship in paragraph/passages read 8. 3 Use the word because/so that to identify statements that show cause-effect 9. Predict outcomes 9. 1 Give an appropriate ending to a given situation and give justification for such ending 10. Infer 10. 1 character traits from a selection read WRITING 9. Sequence events in the story listened to through groups of sentences/guided questions 8. Use object pronouns (me, him, her, us, them, you) 8. 1 Use the object pronoun that agrees in number with its antecedent 7. Write essays arrange paragraphs according to order of time/events and location 9. 10. Report on a news item/radio broadcast heard Use the different verb forms (regular and irregular) present form past future 9. 1 Use the verb that agrees with the subject in number 8. Write a variety of texts letters, paragraphs using a variety of sentences riddles, mottos, sayings 11. Predict the outcome of stories heard 0. Use words that describe persons, places, animals, events (adjectives) 10. 1 Use the positive, comparative and superlative forms of regular adjectives 11. Use adverbs of place and time 9. Compose riddles, slogans and announcements from given stimuli e. g. semantic maps, planned activities/programs 10. Write utterances/expressions on situations/comic strip presented e. g. Thank you! You’re great! 12. Infer the feelings of characters based on how they talk (volume, voice, stress) 13. Give conclusions to situations/ news/oral report heard 12. Use prepositions and prepositional phrase e. g. among in a month 11. Draw conclusions based on information given 18 LISTENING 14. Evaluate ideas and make judgments on oral texts presented orally 14. 1 Distinguish between fact and opinion SPEAKING 13. Talk about topics of interest in 56 sentences READING 12. Evaluate ideas and make judgments 12. 1 Tell whether an action or event is reality or fantasy 12. 2 Distinguish between fact or opinion 12. 3 Compare and contrast text information with prior knowledge 12. 4 Evaluate the likelihood that a story could really happen 12. 5 Determine an author’s perspective on the central topic WRITING 11. Write paragraphs Descriptive Narrative 12. Write diaries and journals 13. Write summary of story read fable fairy tale 19 ENGLISH – GRADE V LISTENING 1. Distinguish changes in meaning in sentences caused by shift in intonation e. g. She’s coming. (plain statement) She’s coming? (for confirmation) 1. 1 Distinguish changes in meaning of words caused by stress shift e. g. Please record (verb) the test result in the class record (noun) SPEAKING 1. Increase one’s speaking vocabulary 1. 1 Pronounce words putting stress on the correct syllable 1. 2 Use the correct intonation for statements and questions 1. 3 Use courteous expressions in conducting a club meeting READING 1. Decode meaning of unfamiliar words 1. 1 Decode words in stories using structural analysis 1. 1. 1 words with affixes prefixes and suffixes 1. 2 Identify the different information given to a word in a dictionary syllabication stress marks multiple meaning of words. 1. 3 Use synonyms and antonyms 2. Follow printed directions in filling up school forms Information Sheet 3. Get the main idea 3. 1 Give heading to a set of related ideas 3. 2 Identify the key sentence in a paragraph 3. 3 Identify the details that support the key sentence 3. 4 Skim to get a general idea on what the material is about 4. Note significant details 4. 1 Identify the setting, characters and ending of stories read 4. 2 Draw pictures of Incidents/characters from a selection heard 4. 3 Identify oneself with a character in the story WRITING 1. Write the correct spelling of words learned in listening, speaking and reading 2. Follow a series of directions (5 to 6 steps) 3. Give titles to paragraph/stories listened to 4. Note details in a selection listened to: Make a story grammar to remember details (setting, character, events Give implied ideas or information 5. Get information from news report heard 5. 1 List down important ideas/events . Make simple and accurate descriptions and announcements 3. Use plural form of nouns in talking about oneself/others irregular nouns 4. Retell selections listened to 5. Use a variety of sentences simple compound complex 6. Use possessive form of plural nouns proper nouns ending in s or z 2. Fill out school forms correctly Information Sheet Bank deposit and withdrawal s lip 3. Write a paragraph from the pictures drawn Beginning sentence Middle Ending 4. Arranging sentences according to order of time/importance in writing a paragraph 5. Write rhymes/jingles related to the selection read 20 LISTENING 6. Sequence events in the story listened to through groups of sentences SPEAKING 7. Use pronouns 7. 1 Demonstrative (who, where, etc. ) 7. 2 Reflexive (myself, herself, etc. ) 7. 3 Ask and answer questions about oneself/others No + negative (No, I’m not. ) rejoinder Yes + positive rejoinder (Yes, I am. ) positive stem + negative stem It’s a puppy, isn’t it. negative stem + positive tag READING 5. Organize ideas 5. 1 Identify the major ideas/concept in a selection 5. 2 Organize the key sentence and supporting details into an outline 5. 3 Make a two-point outline of a 2 to 3 paragraphs 6. Sequence the major ideas/concept in a selection 7. Perceive relationship give possible causes to a given effect and possible effects to a given cause 8. Predict outcomes 8. 1 Give possible endings to a selection 8. 2 Give an appropriate ending to a selection WRITING 6. Write a 2-point sentence outline 7. Identify cause/effect from statements/situations heard 7. Write reports from writing models Science report television shows schools and community news 8. Write an ending to an incomplete story 8. Give justification to a possible ending to a story heard 8. Use the different verb forms 8. 1 Simple present for general truth 8. 2 Habitual past (use to + verb) 8. Future (going to + verb) 8. 4 Use two-word verb 9. Use words that describe Persons, places, animals, Ideas (adjectives) 9. 1 Use the positive, comparative and superlative forms of adjectives 9. 2 Use descriptive words and phrases as + adj. + as 10. Use adverbs10. 1 Adverbs of manner and frequency 10. 2 Use words that can function as adjectives and adverbs 10. 3 Use prepositio n + prepositional phrase 21 9. Identify action words/ descriptive words in sentences/paragraphs heard 9. Infer traits of character the general mood of expression in a selection how the story would turn out if some episodes were changed 9. Write descriptive paragraph letters of invitation/request telegrams announcements 10. Evaluate and make judgments on oral texts presented orally 10. Draw conclusions based on information given 11. Evaluate ideas/make judgements 11. 1 Identify facts/opinions in a selection read 11. 2 Give opinions about information read 10. Respond in writing based on stimuli- result of an observation/ experiment acceptance letter descriptive/narrative LISTENING 11. Report accurately information heard SPEAKING 11. Direct and indirect discourse e. g. Direct – Lydia said, â€Å"Fe write a letter. †Indirect – Lydia told Fe to write a letter. 1. 1 Transform direct to indirect or vice versa 11. 2 Change statement to question or vice versa e. g. Nora writes a letter. Does Nora write a letter? 12. Talk about topics of interest in 7-8 sentences READING 11. 3 Get information from newspapers parts of a newspaper and information from each part 12. Use library resources to get informa tion Card catalog Atlas, encyclopedia Newspapers WRITING 11. Write reported statements in paragraph form 11. 1 direct discourse to indirect 12. Write different texts Narrative Description Appointments Advertisements 22 ENGLISH – GRADE VI LISTENING 1. Distinguish changes in meaning of sentences caused by stress e. g. This is your dress. (It’s yours. ) This is your dress. (It’s definitely a dress. ) 2. Follow a series of directions listened to labeling diagrams completing a chart 3. Give the main idea of a selection listened to 2. Use courteous expressions on appropriate situations Participate in club meetings Conducting an interview 3. Ask and answer questions using pictures/dialogues/comic strips 3. 1 Change statements into questions 3. 2 Use tag questions negative and positive e. g. We get food from the forest, don’t we? You don’t buy junk food, do you? . Retell a selection listened to – news broadcast fiction stories 4. 1 Read orally/recite poems cast for a verse choir 4. 2 Give accurate announcements Give a report based on an interview SPEAKING 1. Increase one’s speaking vocabulary 1. 1 Relay information accurately using different discourse (statement, questions, commands) 1. 2 Use the correct intonation Yes-No questions Questions introduced by interrogatives READING 1. Decode meaning of unfamiliar words using structural analysis words with affixes †¢prefixes and suffixes the dictionary †¢words with multiple meanings context clues 1. Learn some common idioms e. g. stone’s throw 1. 2 Use figurative language to describe people and events Simile; Metaphor; Hyperbole 2. Follow a series of directions in- experiments prescriptions cooking 3. Tell the big ideas/key concepts implied in each paragraph of the story read3. 1 Give the details that support the big idea 3. 2 State the main idea of a paragraph that is explicit or implied 4. Note significant details 4. 1 Identify the events of the plot of a story, poem, short plays 5. Sequence the key concepts/big ideas to show wholeness of the story/selection 5. Use a story grammar to show sequence of episodes in a story 23 WRITING 1. Write a composition showing introduction body conclusion 2. Write specific directions on given situations e. g. interpret a diagram/road map 3. Write a model composition arrange details in order †¢ home reading report †¢ diaries †¢ minutes of meeting 4. Write a summary of what was read 5. Write from dictation 5. 1 Reconstruct a dictated text by taking down important notes 4. Note details in selections listened to- identify the setting, main and secondary characters, climax and ending of the story 5. Sequence events of a story listened to through guided questions LISTENING 6. Give possible cause/effect to situations/news stories heard SPEAKING 5. Use nouns- plural of compound nouns, gerunds 5. 1 Use nouns that are plural in form but singular in meaning e. g. news, measles 6. Use a variety of sentences as to structure †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ simple simple subject with compound predicate compound subject and simple predicate simple subject and compound predicate compound predicate and compound subject compound using connectors and and but complex dependent and independent clause READING 6. Organize ideas Make a heading/sub-heading for paragraphs in a selection Identify the key concept/ sentence that make up the story Identify the details, heading for an outline Make a three-point outline of an expository text read 7. Perceive relationship Tell the relationship expressed in the selection as to cause and effect Give other possible causes to a given effect and other effects to a given cause 8. Predict outcomes 8. 1 Give other events that could happen next 8. 2 Draw pictures of incidents/characters that is possible to happen 8. 3 Give possible endings to a selection 9. Infer traits of character the general mood of the selection how the story would turn out if some episodes were changed alternative actions taken by characters alternative actions taken by characters 24 WRITING 6. Write reported statements in a story form 6. 1 Change statements, questions, requests and commands to reported sentences 7. Analyze ideas as to what could happen next from stories heard 7. Write an ending to a given situation 8. Write a model composition write about one’s feelings/reactions using the correct form of the verb 8. Make inferences 8. Infer the mood of certain events through the speaker’s actions/ intentions/utterances 7. Use indefinite pronouns 7. 1 Use the verb that agrees with the indefinite pronouns 8. Use verbs 8. 1 Use the different verb forms present perfect form active and passive voice expressions about future plans – hope-can; wish, could if were 9. Write an outline of a story read Write a two to three point sentence outlin e LISTENING SPEAKING 9. Use adjectives 9. 1 Use descriptive words and phrases too + adj. + nominal e. g. too short for adjective + enough e. g. old enough two-word adjective e. g. two-story building 9. degree of comparison of irregular adjectives 9. 3 adjectives in series 10. Use adverbs degrees of comparison of adverbs words that can function as adjective /adverb 11. Use direct and indirect discourse 12. Talk about topics of interest use a variety of sentences preposition and prepositional phrases READING 10. Draw conclusions based on information given 10. 1 Evaluate if a conclusion made is justifiable 10. 2 Identify sufficient evidences to justify a conclusion/generalization 11. Evaluate ideas/make judgement 11. 1 Give opinions about information read 11. 2 Determine the purpose of the author 11. Identify author’s device to bring out his message 12. Use the library resources effectively 12. 1 Use card catalog, atlas, almanac, and other general references 12. 2 Get inf ormation from newspapers and other references Parts of a newspaper Information one gets from each part WRITING 10. Organize one’s thoughts in writing information description resume 9. Evaluate and make judgments 9. 1 Distinguish advertisement from propaganda 11. Respond in writing based on stimuli and triggers application letter directions ads for work, editorials 12. Fill out forms Information Sheet Community Tax Certificate Bank Notes 25
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Psychosocial Tendancies free essay sample
I am someone who has Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, bipolar reactions, and I can have those moments where I just can’t think very clearly. Do we truly understand what the human psychology can do to us, or what we can use the human psychology for? Humans have already discovered some means of psychological warfare. We have also found out how to display things that can spike a person’s psychological patterns in which they either need what is displayed, or in which the person tries to destroy this display due to their rage being intentionally triggered. Many scientists may be working on developing new patterns in the human psychology. Human psychology has been shown to be a very powerful adversary due to the fact that so many humans are different. People are shown to believe almost everything they hear from their religion, or believe that their government is always correct. We will write a custom essay sample on Psychosocial Tendancies or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I am someone who is fascinated by the sheer power that any human can possess if they study their psychological thinking patterns, along with the thinking patterns of those around them. The human psychology is used for good in many ways, like how I have 2 psychiatrists because of my ADHD and my anger management problems. These doctors have helped me overcome the obstacle of losing my temper very quickly. I have taken a few different medications to counteract my ADHD, but the first few that I had taken were not as helpful as the medication I currently take. I have taken Concerta, Rhesperdon, Focalin, Ritalin, and I am currently taking Adderall, which is showing great improvements in my behavior. The thing that strikes my interest when it comes to the human psychology is how are we able to connect so easily to one another all because of a few similar fluctuations in our brain waves? I enjoy how much my psychology can relate to that of someone that is 12 years old, 47 years old, or even 83 years old! Even though people always say â€Å"No two humans are the same†, or â€Å"Me and him/her have nothing in common†, does not mean we are not similar to one another. Our psychology is basically the way we think, or how our brainwaves fluctuate in certain patterns that display certain thoughts. This is something that just makes me want to learn more. I am greatly interested in what my psychiatrists do. I plan to pursue a career that is similar to theirs, so that I can assist others in the way that I have been helped. The psychiatrists that assist me and others with our behavioral patterns are extraordinarily helpful and I would enjoy seeing the improvements that others make from their prospective. Even though I am happy to have made these improvements, I would greatly enjoy seeing the smiles on the faces of others because I was helpful to them. We all have our own psychosocial tendencies that show characteristics that can possibly be the same as someone that we decide is not worthy enough for us to associate ourselves with. I am insanely curious about how much the human psychology could teach us, and how much help we could provide for others.
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