Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Knights Templar, the Famous Crusading Order
Knights Templar, the Famous Crusading Order The Knights Templar were also known as Templars, Templar Knights, Poor Knights of Solomons Temple, Poor Knights of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon, and Knights of the Temple. Their motto was Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto Thy Name be the Glory, from Psalm 115. The Origin of the Templars The route traveled by pilgrims from Europe to the Holy Land was in need of policing. In 1118 or 1119, not long after the success of the First Crusade, Hugh de Payns and eight other knights offered their services to the patriarch of Jerusalem for just this purpose. They took vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience, followed the Augustinian rule, and patrolled the pilgrim route to aid and defend pious travelers. King Baldwin II of Jerusalem gave the knights quarters in a wing of the royal palace that had been part of the Jewish Temple; from this they got the names Templar and Knights of the Temple. The Official Establishment of the Knights Templar For the first decade of their existence, the Knights Templar were few in number. Not many fighting men were willing to take the Templar vows. Then, thanks largely to the efforts of Cistercian monk Bernard of Clairvaux, the fledgling order was given papal recognition at the Council of Troyes in 1128. They also received a specific rule for their order (one clearly influenced by the Cistercians). Templar Expansion Bernard of Clairvaux wrote an extensive treatise, In Praise of the New Knighthood, that raised awareness of the order, and the Templars grew in popularity. In 1139 Pope Innocent II placed the Templars directly under papal authority, and they were no longer subject to any bishop in whose diocese they might hold property. As a result they were able to establish themselves in numerous locations. At the height of their power they had about 20,000 members, and they garrisoned every town of any considerable size in the Holy Land. Templar Organization The Templars were led by a Grand Master; his deputy was the Seneschal. Next came the Marshal, who was responsible for individual commanders, horses, arms, equipment, and ordering supplies. He usually carried the standard, or specifically directed a specially-appointed standard-bearer. The Commander of the Kingdom of Jerusalem was the treasurer and shared a certain authority with the Grand Master, balancing his power; other cities also had Commanders with specific regional responsibilities. The Draper issued clothes and bed linen and monitored the brothers appearance to keep them living simply. Other ranks formed to supplement the above, depending on the region. The bulk of the fighting force was made up of knights and sergeants. Knights were the most prestigious; they wore the white mantle and red cross, carried knightly weapons, rode horses and had the services of a squire. They usually came from the nobility. Sergeants filled other roles as well as engaging in battle, such as blacksmith or mason. There were also squires, who were originally hired out but later allowed to join the order; they performed the essential job of caring for the horses. Money and the Templars Though individual members took vows of poverty, and their personal possessions were limited to the essentials, the order itself received donations of money, land and other valuables from the pious and the grateful. The Templar organization grew very wealthy. In addition, the military strength of the Templars made it possible to collect, store, and transport bullion to and from Europe and the Holy Land with a measure of safety. Kings, noblemen, and pilgrims used the organization as a kind of bank. The concepts of safe deposit and travelers checks originated in these activities. The Downfall of the Templars In 1291, Acre, the last remaining Crusader stronghold in the Holy Land, fell to the Muslims, and the Templars no longer had a purpose there. Then, in 1304, rumors of irreligious practices and blasphemies committed during secret Templar initiation rites began to circulate. Very likely false, they nevertheless gave King Philip IV of France grounds to arrest every Templar in France on Oct. 13, 1307. He had many tortured to make them confess to charges of heresy and immorality. It is generally believed that Philip did this simply to take their vast wealth, though he may also have feared their growing power. Philip had previously been instrumental in getting a Frenchman elected pope, but it still took some maneuvering to convince Clement V to order all Templars in all countries arrested. Eventually, in 1312, Clement suppressed the order; numerous Templars were executed or imprisoned, and the Templar property that wasnt confiscated was transferred to the Hospitallers. In 1314 Jacques de Molay, the last Grand Master of the Templar Knights, was burned at the stake.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Food Idioms
Food Idioms Food Idioms Food Idioms By Maeve Maddox A universal preoccupation with food is apparent in the many idioms based on it. Here are just ten: 1. apples and oranges: two things that are inherently different or incompatible. For example, â€Å"To compare The Chronicles of Narnia to the Twilight series is to compare apples to oranges.†2. bad apple: a negative or corrupting influence on others; a troublesome or despicable person. For example, â€Å"One official of a national motorcycle organization argued that a few bad apples shouldnt be allowed to ruin all motorcyclists reputations†3. bring home the bacon: to bring home the prize, to achieve success. In American usage â€Å"to bring home the bacon†means â€Å"to earn the living for a household.†The expression probably originated from the custom/legend of the Dunmow Flitch. A â€Å"flitch of bacon†is a side of bacon, salted and cured. Married visitors to the town of Dunmow in Essex who knelt on two sharp stones and could swear that during the past twelvemonth they’d never quarreled with their spouse or wished themselves unmarried could claim a free flitch of bacon. Another possibility is that the expression derives from greased pig contests at county fairs. The contestant who succeeded in catching the pig â€Å"brought home the bacon.†4. chew the fat: originally the expression meant to argue over a point, perhaps because people arguing make energetic mouth movements similar to what is required to masticate gristle. In British usage, both â€Å"chew the fat†and â€Å"chew the rag†mean to argue or grumble. In American usage, the expressions mean â€Å"to engage in friendly conversation.†5. cream puff: literally, a cream puff is a shell of puff pastry with a cream filling. In British usage, a â€Å"cream puff†is an effeminate person. In American usage, a â€Å"cream puff â€Å"is a used car in especially good condition. 6. cup of tea: something that suits a person’s disposition The expression is used in both positive and negative contexts: â€Å"A Mozart concert? Just my cup of tea!†â€Å"A ball game? Sorry, football is not my cup of tea.†7. a pretty/fine kettle of fish: an awkward state of affairs; a mess or a muddle. For example, â€Å"As the crisis dragged on to the eleventh month, Bishop Segun introduced a pretty kettle of fish to the whole matter when he instituted an ecclesiastical court†In researching this post, I discovered that the expression â€Å"a pretty kettle of fish†(with the meaning â€Å"a fine mess†) seems to be morphing into â€Å"a different kettle of fish†or â€Å"another kettle of fish†with the meaning â€Å"something else entirely.†For example, â€Å"Your website needs to be a whole different kettle of fish.†8. a lemon: something that is bad or undesirable. Anything that fails to meet expectations can be called a lemon. For example, â€Å"Her first husband was a lemon.†Most often, the term is used to describe a car that has problems from its time of purchase. Individual states have â€Å"lemon laws†intended to protect consumers from substandard vehicles. The federal lemon law (the Magnuson–Moss Warranty Act) was enacted in 1975 and protects citizens of all states. 9. full of beans: full of energy and high spirits. For example, this headline: â€Å"Hollins still full of beans as he settles in at Crawley Town†In current usage the expression â€Å"full of beans†is so frequently associated with children that it has been adopted as a brand name by child care centers and a children’s clothing store. I’ve always assumed that the expression derived from the idea of a frisky bean-fed horse, but recently I read that at one time beans were considered an aphrodisiac. 10. hot potato: a delicate situation that must be handled with great care. For example, this headline: â€Å"Herberts Healthy Utah Plan Could be a Political Hot Potato†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:The Meaning of "To a T"10 Colloquial Terms and Their MeaningsGrammatical Case in English
Thursday, November 21, 2019
White Collar Crime in America Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
White Collar Crime in America - Research Paper Example â€Å"White-crime statistics are drearier still. Though two out of every three Americans have been the victims of a white-collar crime, 85 percent of victims don't file reports with the authorities. An untold number may never even know they have been the victims of crimes such as stock manipulation, double billing for purchases, unnecessary home or auto repairs, embezzlement, or as evidenced by recent events, Ponzi schemes.†(O'Donnell, Jan 29, 2009.) Is there a permanent solution to root out white-collar crimes from American society and if so what are the measures to be initiated? White collar crime baffles definition. The industrialization and the internet revolution which are the foundation stones of the materialistic civilization have contributed much to the advancement of the white-collar crime. Explaining the inability of the thinkers and writers on the subject to come to an acceptable conclusion to tender a definition that is acceptable to all, David O Friedrichs goes to elaborate the major crimes which can be classified as white collar crimes. He writes, â€Å"Some of these terms include economic crime, commercial crime, business crime, marketplace crime, consumer crime, respectable crime, â€Å"crime at the top†, â€Å"suite†crime, elite crime and deviance, official crime and deviance, political crime, governmental crime, state (or state-organized) crime, corporate crime, occupational crime, employees crime, vocational crime, techno-crime, computer crime †¦.†(Friedrichs, 2006, p, 5) That which is evident needs no further app reciation, explanation or elaboration. White collar crime has taken hold many segments of society and is growing in all directions like the octopus. This is also a contentious topic- whether one is committing a legitimate business activity in a free enterprise system which is the hallmark of a capitalist society or indulges in white-collar crime.Â
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
INDEPENDENT STUDY ON THE PURPOSE AND IMPORTANCE OF BUDGETTING TO AN ORGANISATION - Research Paper Example 22 4 Study Methodology 22 5 Analysis & Findings 23 6 Conclusions, limitations of the study and recommendations for further study 24 7 Bibliography 27 List of Table S.NO Heading Page No 1 Capital Expenditure Spent by Various Companies 15 2 Alternatives to Traditional Budgeting 18 2.0 PROBLEM STATEMENT A lot of effort has been made in the theoretical area of budgeting and its concept but little has been done to show the applicability and the importance of the budgeting process to organisations. It is no wonder the truth that many students in the field of finance, accounting, strategic management and other related fields have a lot of theory and little practicability about the theories. This study was aimed at linking theory with practical applications of the theory of management accounting. This was done by looking at how organisations apply the various theoretical aspects of strategic managerial accounting. 2.1 IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY This study is important since it was carried out t o reinforce the theory of budgeting and its application in real life situations. The study also gives advice on how businesses can go about budgeting and this will go a long way to provide information on the same to organisations. 2.2 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The objectives of the study were: To appreciate the managerial accounting theory. Appraise the importance of budgeting to the success of an organisation and discuss the available budgeting methods. Discuss the budgeting process. Analyse the assumptions of budgeting. To link managerial accounting theory with practical application. 2.3 Learning outcomes Appreciate the purpose of traditional budgets Appraise the conventional process of budgeting, including variance analysis Critically assess alternative methods of budgeting, including ‘beyond budgeting’ Analyse budget assumptions and critically review budget outputs To under the significance of capital budgeting To comprehend about the purpose and the nature of a marke ting budget. To know whether the company is functioning within its means. To help both management and employees to strive hard on common goals. Though a budget is a useful tool, it may not always drive the financial activity of a business organisation. To illustrate how budgets can be employed and amended for control and planning.(Open University 2006 :10) 3.0 LITERATURE REVIEW Management accounting is a specialisation of accounting that deals with provision of information to managers for use in planning, decision making and control functions (Bragg 2009). It involves collection, analysis and interpretation of accounting information for managers of an organisation to help the managers to make plans, make decisions and control to ensure that the organisation goals are being achieved. Management accounting extends to cover strategic management, performance management and risk management which are key issues in management. The tools used in management accounting are costing techniques, budgets and control charts among other tools (Waygandt, Kimmel and Kieso 2009). According to UK
Sunday, November 17, 2019
An Argument on Education Essay Example for Free
An Argument on Education Essay Abstract Education is important to have with today’s economy in the shape that it is in. However, there are different ways that people define education. Some people believe that to be considered well educated they need to have the top education in the United States, the highest GPA, and the highest standardized testing scores! I firmly believe that your knowledge first comes from the Lord and that he will bless you in whatever area he has for you! There are many examples that we can use to see both sides and not just judging someone as well educated only through grades ad excellence in school. An Argument on Education Education is important for everyone to have growing up if they want to make it by in today’s modern world. However, everyone seems to determine how well educated someone else is in a different ways such as: their test scores, papers that they write, their grade point average, and their knowledge of knowing how to do things. In Alfrie Kohn’s Article (2003), â€Å"What does it mean to be well –educated†he cites a quote from an Alred Whitehead stating, â€Å"A merely well-informed man is the most useless bore on God’s earth. . . . Scraps of information†are only worth something if they are put to use, or at least â€Å"thrown into fresh combinations. †There are parts of this quote that I agree and disagree on. I agree with Alred saying that men on this earth that just have bits and pieces of information are useless unless it can relate to their job that gets them by. Acquiring knowledge isn’t a bad thing, its just not always needed. I only disagree because I believe that if someone does know a large amount that it is not pointless, it just should not determine whether or not they are educated or not. Throughout the years I have had the chance to be in school I have learned and observed much through my own personal experiences as well as being surrounded by my peers at school and at home. Personally, I am one of those students who can learn the material I am asked to learn but when it comes to taking tests I freeze up and get extremely anxious, which allows me to do poorly on the tests. I had extremely low SAT scores and low-test scores from any big test, but I was also an honor graduate and gradated in the top one hundred out of six hundred students. Many people would consider me uneducated just because of low standardized tests when they do not think of other factors that could reason for why I get low scores. High-test scores alone and high GPA’s cannot determine whether or not someone is well educated. At the beginning of Alfrie Kohn’s article he gives a superior example of this by telling us that his wife who went to Harvard and does not even know her math or English well. â€Å"She will, however, freeze up if you ask her what 8 times 7 is, because she never learned the multiplication table. And forget about grammar (â€Å"Me and him went over her house today†is fairly typical) or literature (â€Å"Who’s Faulkner? †). Harvard is known as One of the top prestigious school in America, and because of that most people would assume that who ever goes to that school is well educated. This is example is similar to how it is with anything but what people do not realize is some of the world’s well-educated people did not even graduate from high school. I believe that being well educated means being able to put what you know to use and being able to use that knowledge to glorify the one who created me. As a strong believer in Christ, I believe my relationship with God and spreading his word is more important than knowledge. However, that does not mean that I believe a person should be uneducated. I believe that if given the opportunity to learn we should not take it for granted and that we should bring glory to God through it. I just believe that at the end of your days that God does not care about what degree you have in your hand but he cares about how you lived your life for him. â€Å"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight. 11 For by me your days will be multiplied, and years will be added to your life†(Proverbs 9:10-11). Our good lord explains that education is first gained through God himself and that your purpose is to live solely for him. Gaining knowledge in Christ is the most important first and he will Bless you in every other area in your life that he feels you need. However, I do believe that getting a degree in something that God is calling you to do. For me, God is calling me to be a missionary Nurse overseas. I know in order to do that I have to get an education on how to be a Nurse in order to carryout God’s will for my life. Most people believe that you need to go to a good school to be considered well educated. I was going to a community college back at home and was learning much when people were questioning why I was going to a community college and that I could get a better education at a different college or university that was away from home. Alfrie Kohn’s wife attended Harvard and still did not know her multiplication tables and wasn’t good at grammar or literature. I believe this is a good example to my previous statement about how it shouldn’t matter what school you go to and that it should not determine how well educated he or she is just because of the title the school has. Everyone has his or her own view on what they believe is a well-educated person, but I feel as if not everyone looks at every viewpoint. They just go off what they know and what first comes to mind. Today because of the way our economy is set up people believe that the only way someone can be considered well educated is if they go to a college to further their degree. There are other ways that someone can get jobs such as enlisting in the military or even through taking over a family-owned business. Determining whether or not someone is educated through tests, and by what schools he or she attended is absurd. You can see that from taking a glance at the people in the world that are huge successes to back that statement up. If we determined whether or not someone was well educated by whether or not he or she graduated college than something is wrong. Bill Gates is a wonderful example because if it were not for him then a lot of today’s popular gadgets such as the Mac Books, iPhones, and iPods would not exist today. He is an intelligent man and has brought on huge changes in todays society. It is not our place to judge who is and who is not educated based on these assumptions References Kohn, Alfie. What Does It Mean to Be Well Educated?. Alfie Kohn author teacher lecturer www. alfiekohn. org. N. p. , n. d. Web. 2 Feb. 2012. http://www. alfiekohn. org/teaching/welleducated. htm. Proverbs 9:10-11 ESV The fear of the LORD is the beginning Bible Gateway. BibleGateway. com: A searchable online Bible in over 100 versions and 50 languages.. N. p. , n. d. Web. 4 Feb. 2012. http://www. biblegateway. com/passage/? search=Proverbs%209:10-11version=ESV. Outline 1. What does it mean to be well educated? * Definition * Articles definition * Personal definition 2. Test scores * Personal grades to back up statement * Quote insert from article * Wife from Harvard 3. Educated * Other ways to be educated 4. Knowledge thru Christ * Proverbs 9:10-11 * Living for Christ first * Honoring his will for out lives 5. Well-educated. * Bill Gates (Did not graduate high school and was still successful) Thesis Education is important for everyone to have growing up if they want to make it by in today’s modern world. However, everyone seems to determine how well educated someone else is in a different ways such as: their test scores, papers that they write, their grade point average, and their overall knowledge of knowing how to do things. In Alfrie Kohn’s Article (2003), â€Å"What does it mean to be well –educated†he cites a quote from a Alred Whitehead stating, â€Å"A merely well-informed man is the most useless bore on.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Genetic Engineering: There is No Genetic Definition of Humanity Essay
With advances in genetics and the decryption of the human genome, many people are taking the time to sit back and ponder the questions of what humanity is and where it comes from.1 Will techniques such as gene therapy eventually create people who aren't quite human? If humanity is a flexible and ever-changing concept, then how do people know if they are human? Does some standard measure of humanity seem likely in our future, and is it even ethically proper to impose such a standard? Philosophy offers the most satisfying definition of humanity: a human person is a conscious individual who interacts with an outside world. The details of the various philosophical debates on the exact nature of personhood would be enough to fill a library, but the main ideas can be summarized as follows: a person is self-aware, having the ability to think about thinking. Nothing in this definition of humanity involves matters of genetics or quantitative analyses of specific traits, which makes this definition applicable to people who may not be human in the way science tries to define the term. Defining humanity in a scientific sense, however, is a nettled endeavor. Many "strictly human" traits can be found in animals. Wolves have a complex social structure. Bonobos, a subspecies of chimpanzee, can learn an abstract symbol-language and show the ability to understand grammar and syntax.2 In other experiments dolphins-who are genetically more distant from humans than bonobos-learned a type of sign language showing that they, too, are able to grasp complex rules of language.3 One only has to yell at the family dog to see that animals can express emotion and empathy. What, then, is left to humans? Many point to our advanced technology as proof... ... 1. This paper was originally written for the course, "Human Genetics, Society, and Ethics," held at Washington College, Chestertown, Maryland. 2. Robert A. Baron, Psychology 5th ed. (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2000). 3. Baron. 4. N. A. Campbell, J. B. Reece, and L. G. Mitchell, Biology 5th ed., (New York: Addison Wesley Longman, 1999). 5. Matt Ridley, Genome: The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters (New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1999) 24. 6. Ibid. 7. Baron. 8. Ridley, 24. 9. Ibid. 10. Campbell et al., 446. Bibliography Baron, Robert. A. Psychology. 5th ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2000. Campbell, N. A., J. B. Reece, and L. G. Mitchell. Biology. 5th ed. New York: Addison Wesley Longman, 1999. Ridley, Matt. Genome: The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1999.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Causes of Civil War Essay
You hear the word civil in such terms as civil rights, civilian, civilization and civil liberty. All are related to the concept of a common citizen and a member of society. So, a civil war is a war between citizens representing different groups or sections of the same country. That is how the Civil War in the United States between 1850-1860 started. The distinction of ideas about slavery between the South and the North was pretty much the main cause of the war. However if we look at the details carefully, the economic forces in the South combined with the cotton plantations and the reactions to abolitionism in the South were the main factors that caused the Civil War. Economics was an important cause of the Civil War. Economic reasons affected and still affect almost everyone around the world. The economy, simply money gives people a lot of power, which causes a lot of problems between people, and makes everything more complicated. That’s pretty much why it was a big deal with the starting of the Civil War. It started around early 1800s with the harvesting of cotton in the South (Holland, â€Å"The North-South Divide†). Harvesting of cotton required the labor of many people with the invention of cotton gin. So, the way of making a lot of money out of cotton was to find enough laborers to work with. That’s how slavery became essential for the South’s economic future because it was a great source of laborers. In this way slave and cotton plantation owners were making a lot of money and expanding their plantations and of course the number of slaves they owned, which made slavery expand in the South pretty quickly. Also, people who owned slaves and the cotton plantations were mostly the men of social and political power, and of course they didn’t want to lose their power. They were getting richer and richer every day with the expanding plantations with the invention of the cotton gin. For example, Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee were some of the most powerful slave owners of that time. Davis had a great political career, and Lee was an important commander and general in the army. They and the other slave owners got their power from slavery and didn’t want to lose that power. While slavery kept expanding in the South, the North didn’t like that. The North was against the expansion of slavery, an opposition captured by Free Soil Ideology. Their main purpose was opposing the expansion of slavery into the western territories, because they saw it as a corrupt economic system. This made the South see the Free Soil movement as a threat of making slavery totally disappear. The South was threatened because they thought this ideology in the North would keep expanding and finally free all the slaves they owned, and ruining the Southern economy (Brinkley). While this happened in the South, the idea of abolitionism kept spreading through the North. Another cause of divisions between the North and the South was the abolitionist movement. The South saw this movement as a threat from the North, and becoming suspicious of them. John Brown was clearly the most significant radical abolitionist at that time. He fought slavery for years but his most significant action took place at Harper Ferry, Virginia. Brown seized federal arsenal, and he hoped the slaves would come to Harpers Ferry and march through the South, fighting slavery. This way he scared the South, because a slave rebellion had always been the region’s main fear, and therefore the South formed militias. Most Southerners were convinced Brown had done what a lot of Northerners wanted to do, which threatened them (â€Å"John Brown Farm, North Elba, New York – New York History Net†). In other wards, Brown’s raid at Harpers Ferry 1859 fed fear of slave uprising. Southerners basically thought the Republican Party supported John Brown’s Raid and what he had done (Holland, â€Å"Abolitionism†). This was a big issue for them, because the sixteenth president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, was elected the next year and he was a member of the Republican Party. The South thought that being a member of the Republican Party meant being an abolitionist. This worried them, because abolitionists wanted to make slavery disappear, and they thought that’s exactly what the new president of the whole country, Lincoln wanted to do. So, the South saw the election of Abraham Lincoln as a threat. On the other hand, Abraham Lincoln was not an abolitionist, and he didn’t think what John Brown did was good and ethical. He didn’t want to make the South be against him. He was just supporting the Free Soil Ideology. So Lincoln just didn’t want slavery to expand. However the South didn’t see this distinction. Even before Lincoln was inaugurated, Southern states began to secede from the Union (â€Å"Abraham Lincoln†). So that was pretty much how the conflict first started, and caused the Civil War to begin. The Civil War ended in 1865 and slavery was finally abolished. Slavery had been the main reason for its start, because of the economic divisions it sparked along with abolitionism. The harvesting of cotton was a big source of money at that time, especially after the invention of the cotton gin and needed a great source of slaves as laborers. The abolitionist movement added more to this conflict with the misunderstandings about Lincoln’s political views in the South. At the end, the price for the war was pretty high. Lincoln, a visionary president, was assassinated, and it was the bloodiest and the saddest war in American history. It has a valuable part in American history and worth remembering a clear example of what’s right and what’s wrong.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The types and benefits of Open distance learning
Open distance larning refers to instruction and preparation in which utilizing the learning resources, instead than go toing schoolroom Sessionss, is the cardinal characteristic of the learning experience. There are three types of unfastened distance scholars ( ODL ) : Face to face acquisition: Classroom Environment, Formal Classroom, Computer Laboratory, Science Laboratory, Number of Meetings, 5 or less meetings, 5 or more meetings, Teaching Schemes, Direct & A ; Indirect. Self managed acquisition: Specialy designed faculties with support from: – CDROM Courseware, Digital Library, Physical Library, Capable Matter Experts, Peers, Tutors. Online acquisition: Resources, Learning Objects ( iTutorials, iWeblets ) , Multimedia Courseware, PDF Documents, Microsoft Office Attachments, Digital Library, Discussions. Most of ODL are part-timers and have households. Learners will be confronting jobs in equilibrating their work and instruction because of that and is genuinely disputing for them. As debut I want to foreground about the job face by get downing on-line scholars. In the modern-day age is the ability to have an instruction 1000s of stat mis off from a schoolroom in a convenient and efficient mode. Majority of universities presents offer unfastened online larning for pupils all around the universe. Get downing on-line scholar ‘s categories might non be an ideal circumstance for every interested individual. What are the jobs faced by get downing on-line scholars really?2.0. Three chief job face by get downing on-line scholars:2.1. Lack of socialising with equals and working with your larning manner: –A traditional schoolroom state of affairs is non possible to get downing on-line scholars for acquisition. If a societal interaction were accomplishable with get downing on-line scholars, pupils might be unsure to run into with person whom they merely know from the Internet. This job with online larning would decidedly impede a kinaesthetic or haptic scholar, and if the plan does n't supply video interaction so an auditory scholar would besides non do as well.So by listening and discourse something or working with manipulatives, so get downing on-line scholars one think is non your best choice.As an coach, supervising pupil comprehension is of import otherwise pupils wo n't understand the lesson moves on and one or more pupils are left behind to seek and calculate out what they did n't catch up. Feeling behind while all others continue with the lesson will rapidly allow down their self-belief degree. Reflect on all of your options and judge what type of pupil you were in the yesteryear every bit good as what are the jobs faced by ODL in the last few old ages. Finally, you could detect an educational plan that hysterics your demands whether that is with a traditional manner instruction or an beginning online scholars instruction.2.2. Juggling life: –When asked what are the jobs faced by unfastened distance scholars, life and its ensuing complications seems to be the figure one response. Most enrolled pupils in unfastened distance acquisition are committed to their life in some other manner apart from school such as a household to care for, some facet which occupies the their clip, a mandatory full-time occupation to pay the measures. Except the pupils make a personal committedness to finish the class of survey, odds are life will happen a manner to deflect and rupture them off from carry throughing their end of go oning their instruction. Unlike traditional university pupil s who are ever in their acquisition group which supports them most of the clip, on-line scholars pupils are non. Online scholars pupil besides have a difficult clip in being independent and responsible to their ain ego. Most of the clip, no 1 would steer pupil larning procedure. Unfocused position of their acquisition ends besides will do the pupils act irresponsibly towards their acquisition. Beside that, they besides face jobs in acknowledging and get the hanging strengths and accomplishments. In on-line acquisition, engineering is the chief conduit which information and communicating flow. The pupils need to hold some basic authorship accomplishments and a go on-line appreciation of English linguistic communication. For this they must hold a computing machine with internet entree. Those looking to heighten their skill sets and capablenesss through online larning demand to fight with issues such as self-motivation, household committednesss, work life, clip direction, and other proficient activities. Balancing these issues with regular online categories, assignments, trials and tests can be ra ther disputing. Assignments and undertakings can be limited by feedback and appraisal by teachers. Developing relationships with real-world schoolmates and networking with other equals is besides restricted.2.3. No established modus operandis: –Merely like pupils in a traditional school environment, unfastened distance scholars must make a dedicated topographic point for analyzing and larning to take topographic point. Successful pupils assign to a clip to analyze and a topographic point to analyze. It is portion of set uping a modus operandi that keeps pupils stop uping in front when times get tough yet life has demands and pupils of unfastened distance larning tend to derive a false sense of freedom. Yes, you ‘re free to larn at place but the other committednesss of life are traveling on around you. Students who stop, bead, and larn do n't be given to retain as much information. Self-monitoring is non ever helpful particularly when cunctation sets in and one time the work starts stacking up there is less penchant to retrieve from that cunctation. Do non hold adequate clip, excessively many plants to be done and lazy are among other grounds given by this type of pupils in order to avoid analyzing for tests.3.0. Solutions to the stated jobs for get downing on-line scholars:3.1. Time direction: –To finish your surveies via a flexible agenda in an on-line format can be really advantageous as get downing on-line scholars. Many scholars who enroll in an on-line grade plan think that it is traveling to be easy to complete their coursework without a set category agenda to follow. Anyone who wants to win in an on-line grade plan should hold clip direction accomplishments. To do certain you devote a plenty sum of clip to your surveies, set aside specific period each hebdomad that you will give to your coursework. It ‘s besides of import to be after your f riends and household members for the fact that you will be puting aside certain times for surveies. If non they will evidently believe that you ‘re available to them because you are at place. Efficient clip direction is n't the lone challenge faced by pupils in on-line instruction plans but acquiring your agenda under control is one of the first things that every online scholar demands to make to fix to stand out in his or her categories.3.2. Introduce new classs: –Introduction of a nucleus class to cover the needed accomplishments is the most great manner to guarantee that pupils are both enthusiastic and suitably prepared for ODL. The scholars need to ease the debut of group work into an otherwise â€Å" traditional †grade model, fit group work into the semester system and to develop academic staff in their apprehension of group accomplishments and theory. Supremely, a short class for staff should be run on a regular footing and an introductory nucleus class for pupils in the first twelvemonth of the plan should be introduced. This solution enables any classs within the plan to use group acquisition, confident that the key demands and accomplishments will already be familiar to the pupils prior to the beginning of the class. Likewise, get downing on-line scholars will be cognizant that group work may organize portion of the standard acquisition procedure, and are likely to near such classs with far less nervousness than might otherwise be the instance.3.3. Skills required at the beginning of the class: –In this instance where ODL engagement in a group work of minimal two hebdomads at the start of the class should be devoted wholly to the nucleus advantages, benefits of group acquisition and the accomplishments required without any anterior formal preparation in group skills.It seems hard. However, readying of get downing on-line scholars in this manner is an indispensable demand for successful group work and someway assumes less importance when one steps out of the more usual talk, seminar and tutorial manner. Group facilitation, duties to other group members and effectual online communicating are amongst the accomplishments that should be stressed in these Sessionss. One of import accomplishment to larning online is larning to pull off your clip foremost. We have to do a hebdomadal survey agenda for the most effectual ways to maintain on top of your studying.A Make clip usefull for offline activities. Make note of these at the beginning of the class and program consequently for them to be a succesfull scholar. Follow the schemes below: ( GOAL SETTING STRATEGIES )S SpecificM MeasureableA AccomplishableR RealisticT Time-bound4.0. DecisionTaking a class or gaining a grade via online acquisition can be a worthwhile experience but requires some subject on your portion. Proper readying can take to a direct focal point on your classs. A coach ‘s counsel is important for the success of synergistic and brooding acquisition. The findings reveal that the teacher ‘s counsel reduced such jobs and that, to a certain extent, successful acquisition was achieved.A It is apparent that distance instruction pupils in the survey benefitted from this signifier of acquisition and possible to set about certain steps to minimise the jobs and to guarantee greater success in future efforts. Last but non least, squad instruction should be implemented with each teacher taking on certain function. So, when you sign up for online acquisition, do n't merely excited at the beginning but as the hebdomads advancement, motive can diminish .A When this occurs, remind yourself of the ground you enrolled in the first topographic point.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Truth About Famous Black Inventors
The Truth About Famous Black Inventors Quite a few of our readers have written asking me to clear up some facts about African American inventors in a sort of mythbuster manner. Much of the discussion has centered around who was the first person to invent a comb, elevator, cell phone, etc. African American Patents When an inventor files for a patent, the application form does not require a person to state his/her race. Thus little was known about early African American inventors. So librarians from one of the Patent and Trademark Depository Libraries decided to compile a database of patents granted to black inventors by researching patent applications and other records. These compilations include Henry Bakers Patents by Negroes [1834-1900]. Baker was a second assistant patent examiner at the USPTO who was dedicated to uncovering and publicizing the contributions of Black inventors. The database listed the inventors name followed by the patent number(s), which is the unique number assigned to an invention when a patent is issued, the date the patent was issued and the title of the invention. However, the database was misunderstood as readers falsely assumed that the title of the invention meant that the inventor had invented the first comb, elevator, cell phone and such. In the case of Henry Sampson, readers even misunderstood the title of gamma cell to mean Sampson had invented the first cell phone. Black Myth or Black Fact? This has led to writers publishing misleading articles that assume that every invention mentioned in the database would not have been invented if black people did not exist. Even worse are other writers who have written counterpoint articles that falsely give the impression that black inventors have not achieved great things. Understand that titles are required by USPTO law to be as short and specific as possible. Nobody entitles their patent applications The First Comb Invented or The 1,403th Comb Invented. You have to read the rest of the patent to find out what new improvements that the inventor is claiming. And nearly all patents are for improvements to pre-existing items. Did you know that Thomas Edison, who was not the first person to invent a lightbulb, invented over fifty different lightbulbs? Misleading the Public? Not one of the black inventors lied in their patent applications or stated that they had invented something totally new when it was merely an improvement. However, I have read articles that imply that these inventors have done something terrible. For example, take my article on John Lee Love. Nowhere do I state that John Lee Love invented the very first pencil sharpener, but the tone is favorable and shows the respect I have for Love as an inventor. Another website uses a headline that read Pencil Sharpener - John Lee Love in 1897? No! This harsh tone puts the inventors achievements in a negative light. However, these were still real inventors who received real patents at a time when it was rare and difficult for a person of color to do so. Why Recognizing Back Inventors Is Important My database list of African American patent holders holds historical value far beyond winning the first race. It has led to research that answered many important questions. Questions such as: Who were the first African Americans to receive a U.S. patents?What were African American inventors inventing during the 19th and early 20th centuries?Did early black inventors profit from their inventions?What are contemporary African American scientists and inventors achieving today? About Henry Baker I believe wholeheartedly that inventors make the best people. And while I will continue to maintain the historical aspects of the database and update the database with current inventors, what we know about early African American innovators comes mostly from the work of Henry Baker. He was an assistant patent examiner at the U.S. Patent Office (USPTO) who thankfully was dedicated to uncovering and publicizing the contributions of Black inventors. Around 1900, the Patent Office conducted a survey to gather information about black inventors and their inventions. Letters were sent to patent attorneys, company presidents, newspaper editors and prominent African-Americans. Baker recorded the replies and followed-up on leads. Bakers research also provided the information used to select black inventions exhibited at the Cotton Centennial in New Orleans, the Worlds Fair in Chicago and the Southern Exposition in Atlanta. By the time of his death, Baker had compiled four massive volumes.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
20 Steps to Ensure You Always Have a Job
20 Steps to Ensure You Always Have a Job While nothing is certain when it comes to careers, it always pays off if coworkers and managers can count on you- personally and professionally. Aim to be the person who not only gets the job done, but does so with class and integrity. Here are 20 tips you can take with you no matter what field you’re in. Internalize them, practice them, and find success. Rest assured, if you do this, you will ensure you always have a job.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Managed Services Provider Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Managed Services Provider - Research Paper Example Companies outsource their IT based business processes to the managed service providers because it costs them very less as well as increases the reliability of the outsourced business processes. â€Å"A business will contract with a managed service provider to fill certain needs that are met more cost effectively by outsourcing than by purchasing and supporting equipment in-house†(White, n.d.). Managed service providers use the concept of cloud computing to provide reliable and cost effective services to the client companies. Schauland (2011) states, â€Å"Cloud computing is used to allow services used in everyday practice to be moved onto the Internet rather than stored on a local computer†. Cloud computing facilitates people and helps them perform their IT related tasks by eliminating the need of any specific place or a particular computer system. Some of the major tasks, which managed service providers, perform for the client companies include virtual private network , IP telephony, managed firewalls, messaging and call center, and monitoring or reporting of network servers. Unlike traditional business applications, managed service providers eliminate the problems of hardware and software installation and maintenance for its clients. In traditional settings, companies need to install, configure, test, and run every hardware and software application on their own. ... Computers, which are used locally, no longer need to perform heavy workloads because applications are kept online and the service providers handle the networks of such applications. Managed service providers assist companies in many areas. Some of those areas include network monitoring, network security, and information management. They also provide many other facilities, which may include alerts, data backup and recovery for different client devices, and patch management. For companies, some of the main advantages of using such services include no requirement of ease in running applications, ease of integration with proprietary systems, low capital investment, and intuitive interface of software applications. Some other advantages for the companies, which make them switch to such services providers include low security risk and improved organization of IT related business processes. Service providers make use of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) that use such security protocols, which do not remain the same forever rather they continue changing their protocols in order to ensure more protection against hackers. This feature of VPNs attracts a large number of companies towards managed service providers. Such companies find it easier to ensure network security by using the VPNs provided by the managed service providers. Some other benefits, which the companies gain by using the VPNs of managed service providers, include reduction in time and money consumption. Companies just need to pay for the virtual networks; they do not need to spend their precious tie and money to get the services of virtual networks. â€Å"The managed service provider assumes ongoing responsibility for monitoring, managing and/or problem resolution for
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